
Alternative Wedding Venue Ideas

Weddings, like people, are becoming more increasingly unique and individual every day. The days of having the simple choice of a church or a registry office are long gone. More and more non-traditional venues are opting for marriage and civil partnership licenses as well as wedding ceremonies conducted by celebrants with the legal side done […]

How To Find The Ideal Wedding Venue

Make no mistake, landing the perfect venue can be one of the most difficult challenges of your wedding. Get it right and the whole day will swoop by like one big blissful dream. Get it wrong and you’ll spend more time than you ever would have wanted wishing you had done things differently. In this […]

Three Different Types of Wedding Ceremony

It might sound obvious but the ceremony really is what a wedding day is all about for both you and your guests. For some people the ceremony is a formality, but for others the ceremony detail is hugely important, and lots of time, effort and money is invested. It’s important that you choose the right […]